personal and social capability

Personal and Social Capability ACARA

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Multiple intelligences test

Mulitple IntelligencesAccording to the ACARA indicators, for self-awareness students need to be able to :

recognise emotions

recognise personal qualities and achievements

understand themselves as learners

develop reflective practice

The multiple intelligences test ( in English, Bengali, Urdu , Arabic, Chinese and Somali) gives you a chance to have a look at what your multiple intelligences look like according to the test. This test is as a written version in English or aural version in all the languages.  This is the second time I have done it. I first did it a couple of years ago and what this second test result shows is that I have changed and grown. I have had an opportunity to strengthen some of the areas which were not so good.  I have worked on my fitness, I have made an effort to know myself better. I am not sure why that has come at the expense of interpersonal skills but I shall think about it. The test is not the answer and it is not necessarily completely accurate. My linguistic score ought to be the best because that is my real strength and is widely acknowledged as such. Were you to do this with students you would be able to have some easy conversations with them about their personal qualities and achievements. You would be able to discuss whether they agreed with the results or not and you would be able to show them it could help them learn better if they knew how they learned and what  their learning strengths are. It also means they can do the test again and have a look again and reflect like I have. The multiple intelligence test then becomes a tool for promoting good conversations about who you are and where you are headed and what you need to do to get here.

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Professional Learning Animation – AITSL

The social capability is about recognising the worth of others and being able to work with them. It is also about being a good communicator and being able to notice the social setting you are in and its requirements. Schools should be diverse and vibrant. Teachers should be good communicators and be able to transfer those skills to their students by working in partnership with them. We do need opportunities and encouragement to grow so that we can blossom!

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Self-awareness – General capabilities – ACARA

self-awareness The ACARA site is spelling things out very clearly for us. I am going to go through the elements for the Personal and Social Capability one by one. Self-awareness is the first and needs to be explored at each level and across all subjects. In high school we are looking at level 5 and Level 6. For self-awareness students have to be able to:

recognise emotions

recognise personal qualities and achievements

understand themselves as learners

develop reflective practice.

When it comes to teaching I have often said to students they need to understand themselves as learners so that they can better ask for what they need. It is important for them to understand their learning style and when they discover that they actually become more confident in their learning. If we don’t tell them that , they will often think they are getting it wrong when in fact, they are not getting the style they need. Sometimes it is about having to adapt a bit which is why the understanding of their learning style is important. They can then fill in some of the gaps themselves. It encourages them to be independent learners.

self-awareness ACARA